Discipleship Ministries

Hillsdale Kids

Our Hillsdale Kids ministry believes it is important for families and the church to work in tandem with one another for the sake of a child’s spiritual growth. 

HBC offers one weekly-scheduled opportunity for children to be exposed to Bible teaching and worship. Sunday mornings at 10:00am children from age 3 to 5th grade are invited to attend an age-appropriate worship experience that meets simultaneously while adults and youth worship in the worship center.

Nursery services are available on Sunday mornings for children under the age of 3.

Youth @ HBC

The youth of HBC is made up of students from 6-12 grades. They meet once weekly on Sunday nights from 6-8pm. 

These gatherings are used to focus the students on the Truth found in the Bible and applications of those Truths in their daily walk. 

Other events are planned throughout the year to provide more chances to grow closer to God and each other. Students are also encouraged to fellowship with one another and hold each other accountable. 

The student population of HBC is made up of students from different schools and school systems. All students are welcome at HBC. 

If you interested in coming to check this group out, don’t hesitate and get in touch with the church.

Sunday Evening - 6-8 pm in Kitchen/Fellowship Hall (Room #145)

Adult Discipleship Groups

It is our desire at Hillsdale for adults to become a full and fulfilled disciple of Jesus Christ. In this pursuit adults will be growing in love for God and all people. Here at Hillsdale, the best way to connect with other adults is through our life groups (small groups/Sunday School) ministry.

There are multiple groups that meet through out the week on campus or in someone’s home. If you have any questions please click here and fill out a question form. 

If you would like to join a life group please click here and fill out a "getting connected" form.