Preschool Schedule

Weekly Hours of Operation:

  • Monday through Thursday
  • 9:00am-12:00pm

Additional Services:

  • Lunch Bunch: 12:00-1:00pm (Tuesday & Wednesday)
  • Tumbling Tuesday: 12:00-1:00pm (1st & 3rd Tuesdays)

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open. 

  • Please contact Ms. Amelia if you are interested in signing your child up for next year.   

Contact the preschool director Ms. Amelia directly through email

Email Ms. Amelia

2025-2026 School Year Rates

Registration Fee:

  • $70 annual nonrefundable (first child)
  • $65 for each additional child

Monthly Rates:

  • 1 year old: 2, 3, or 4 days  - $180/200/220
  • 2 year old: 2, 3, or 4 days - $180/200/220 (Class for kids turning two by Aug 31)
  • Older Twos/Younger 3 year old: 2, 3 ,or 4 days - $180/200/220
  • 3 year old: 3 or 4 days - $200/220
  • Pre-K: 4 days - $235

Lunch Bunch:

It is offered on Tuesday and Wednesday until 1:00pm. The children will enjoy their packed lunches (and some extra play time) with their friends and teachers. 

  • Lunch Bunch is available for $5 a day.

Tumbling Tuesdays:

It is offered every first and third Tuesday of the month. After eating their lunch, the children will enjoy a tumbling lesson by an instructor from Advance Dance. 

  • Tumbling Tuesdays is available for $10 a day.

Registration Process

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open. Hard copies of the registration forms can be picked up at the preschool office at Hillsdale Baptist Church. 

Feel free to come by and visit the facility and meet the preschool director. Call if you have any questions. 336-940-6618